Baby 2.0: 13 weeks
>> Saturday, June 30, 2012
Good-bye first trimester, and hello one sick, sick momma! A little backwards, I think so too. The second trimester is supposed to restore your energy and be a few months of feeling somewhat normal...well, as normal as one can feel while growing a tiny human being.
The first day of my second trimester began with me retching in the kitchen sink, twice, on my way out the door to drop Jackson off at school. Oh yes, it was a great start to the day and unfortunately, things went downhill from there. Turns out I have bronchitis in this 100+ heat, in the middle of the summer. I don't even know how I managed to come down with this, but it downright sucks! I was sent home from the urgent care with antibiotics and an inhaler...yes, I'm a bad off as my asthmatic son.
I'm resting up like no other and praying that I am well for our 4th of July vacation! I'm also praying that Jackson doesn't come down with this...or anyone else I know.
Size of Baby: peach
Total Weight Gain: no weight gain, actually down .5lbs from getting pregnant...which is still up 3lbs. from fertility. I can thank bronchitis for the weight loss from our beach trip.
Continuing Symptoms: nothing to really note, being sick has pretty much taken over any pregnancy symptoms besides the morning retching this week.
New Symptoms This Week: well the retching in the sink was an all time first for me, hoping that was a one time deal. maybe feeling little flutters here and there...not 100% sure yet though...
Maternity Clothes: not yet, thank goodness to cotton summer dresses. And somehow, my skinny jeans still fit.
Sleep: sleep is good, when I'm not up coughing my lungs up
What I'm Eating: soup and liquids, I hate being sick
Cravings: nothing this week
Movement: I think I may have started to feel some flutters, but they aren't strong enough for me to be totally sure.
Labor Signs: a few BH contractions on Wednesday night, but thankfully it was only one night
Special Pregnancy Moments: hearing the baby's heartbeat on my friend's dopple (165bpm) and getting my new momma mobile!!!