Call it what you will - a catch up, a catch all, a recap, a hodgepodge or sorts, or a brain dump - here's what's new with the Wilson's:
Jackson is literally leaping off of anything he can climb, trying to fly like an airplane or soar to infinity and beyond like Buzz Lightyear. Why? you may ask, well that's a simple answer. He is sick yet again, and had another steroid shot that has him bouncing off of the wall. Don't believe me - watch the video and you'll see for yourself!
And speaking of hodgepodge, please ignore the hodgepodge of an outfit he's in!
After our last trip to the pediatrician with an ear infection, sinus infection, respiratory infection - and I'm not sure what else because he just said it was all infected - we are headed back to New Orleans on December 13th for a CT Scan of Jackson's sinuses. I'm sure I'll be back to blogging before then, but could you please keep him in your prayers on the 13th? He has to be put under general anesthesia for this and it will be treated as an outpatient procedure due to his young age.
The holidays are always hectic for us - as we're truly one of those families with Four Christmases. In an effort to lessen the stress, we decided to host Thanksgiving this year. So, as of today, we'll have 28 members of our immediate family over for quite a feast. The only thing that would make this holiday better is if my dad and sister increased that count to 33, which is just wishful thinking. We started setting tables and making plans to stuff the turkey this weekend. I truly can't wait for us all to be together, even though I'm not really sure this is less stress!
The Thanksgiving Invite (with our address marked out) |
And since my body loves to mess with me, on top of planning Thanksgiving for 28, I of course started my period this weekend. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't hoping for a Thanksgiving pregnancy announcement, but I've closed that door and moved on. I even went in today for my CD3 blood work at the RE's office to begin down that path, wherever it may lead us.
Jackson loves his big boy bed, and I promise to take some pictures and dedicate a post just to that.
I wish my almost 2.5-year-old was ready to potty train, but it looks like I'll be wiping butt's for a while longer.
I am having the best time playing Santa already this year, it's amazing how children can change you. I normally don't even start thinking about presents until after Thanksgiving, but the UPS man has already delivered a few packages to the Wilson address!
Speaking of Christmas, have you seen these cute
Reindeer pillows that Sweet Meredith is making?!? I haven't placed my order yet, but I just love love love them:)
I'm helping out with Thanksgiving Lunch at Jackson's school and am so excited, as this is my first mom-opportunity to do such a thing!
And if you're still reading, I promise to get back to blogging - as I foresee a lot to blog about in the upcoming months!
Lastly, I'm so thankful for each and everyone of you! I love reading your sweet comments and emails, and reading your blogs as well!
Kristen - aka Momma