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Answered prayers

>> Thursday, February 2, 2012

As you all know, we have been praying long and hard for our family to grow.  And amongst the calm before the storm, He answered our prayers.  Our family is indeed growing by two precious little feet! As much as I wish that it was another sweet blessing growing in my aching uterus, I prayed for our family to grow and there's no denying that my prayers were answered!

We make plans, and God always has a way to remind us that he has bigger plans for us that may be different than what we imagined them to be.  Everything happens (or doesn't happen) for a reason.  But, God always find a way to answer our prayers and let's us know that He is in control.

So, not only is our family growing, Miss Amelia got the best 1st birthday present anyone could hope for.  She got the gift of becoming a BIG SISTER!!! Megan didn't quite see this the same way as I did, but that's just because she's the little sister and can't possibly understand just how special and lucky us older sisters are;)

We're all still in shock that before we know it, we'll have another sweet niece or nephew to love on! I am already in love with Shorty 2.0 and can't wait to meet him or her.  My gut feeling is that this blessing will be another little girl, and she will make her grand entrance on my golden birthday at the end of the summer! 

Now, I'm praying for this never ending cycle to end and for my period to start so I can finally have my HSG test done.  With a little more prayer and some sibling rivalry, I'm hopeful that this new year will be full of babies...I know, I's all in His plan:)


Ashley February 2, 2012 at 4:08 PM  

So exciting for you all! Praying that God blesses YOU with two tiny baby feet, very soon! Stay strong!

Blair February 2, 2012 at 9:18 PM  

Praying that God answers your prayers, but trust me when I say, His plan is so much sweeter than our own. I was thinking that the other day when I was playing with my sweet Robert. God could not have picked a more perfect child to join our family nor had better timing. He knows what he is doing! :)

Jennifer February 3, 2012 at 8:59 AM  

Congrats to your sis!! I am sure that God does have a plan and a sibling for Jackson will be in the cards soon. Keep praying and your prayers will get answered. Now you have another niece or nephew to spoil!!

Meant to be a mom February 6, 2012 at 11:47 AM  

That's great. I know you were hoping for it to be you but maybe God will make you both prego at the same time:) I'll keep you in my prayers. Congrats on becoming an auntie to another sweetie baby!

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