All of your thoughts and prayers were definitely felt y'all, thanks so much!!! Jackson surgery was a complete success and everything is going as well as to be expected. We arrived at the surgery center at 7:00AM on Monday and were on our way home at 10:15AM!
In case any of you have this in your future, below is the time line of our day so you'll know what to expect!
Sunday night I packed Jackson's bag with diapers, wipes, button down pj's to come home in, a sippy cup and his hippo. One last thing to worry about the day of:) We also pre-registered the week before.
5:35: Momma and Mr.'s alarm went off and it was time to shower for the day
6:35: Loaded car. Woke Jackson up, changed his diaper, grabbed his blanket and put him in the car
6:55: Walked in the Surgery Center doors
7:00: We were sent to the Surgery Waiting Room
7:15: After watching some Mickey Mouse, we were called back to another room.
I'm not sure what to call this, but there were a dozen hospital beds separated with curtains. ALL were full of people getting in there elective surgeries at the end of the year since they'd met their deductible. Seriously, it was crazy busy!
7:30: Jackson was given some happy juice, Verset. And he got loopy fast! The timing was perfect, as it was hard to keep Jackson on the hospital bed and not crawling under the curtains to the next patient.
We changed him into his hospital gown and a fresh diaper.
The anesthesiologist came and talked to us and played a little with Jackson so that he'd be comfortable with him.
We met the two nurses assigned to Jackson, they were all so very nice.
Jackson's doctor also came to meet with us to make sure we were all good.
The "happy juice" made Jackson so incredibly cuddly, it was precious. He was giving hugs and kisses out like crazy {and actually hasn't stopped}. The hospital have him a surgery bear and he loved that as much as his hippo!

8:45: The nurses came and got Jackson and said they'd call in the waiting room once he was put under.
9:00: The phone rang and my heart skipped a beat. Mr. took the call and said everything was great. They were ready to start...
I took one sip of my coffee, ran to the bathroom, and met Mr. back in the waiting room.
9:12: The waiting room phone rang, and it was for us. They were ready for us to meet with the doctor. I was certain that something had gone wrong. I mean it had only been 12 minutes! But, the doctor came in and said that everything went beautifully! Jackson didn't have infection, but lots of fluid left from previous infections. His adenoids were large and in charge, so she was very happy that we got those out. She said that they were probably the root of our problems.
As we were walking out of her office, the surgery nurses were looking for us to come back with Jackson. He was in a private pediatric suite (sound proof). The poor nurse was almost the same size as Jackson, and was 5 months pregnant. I felt terrible, as Jackson gave her a run for her money! He looked so pitiful with puffy eyes, hooked up to an IV. I wasn't expecting to see that, but they wanted to make sure he didn't vomit before they took it out.
Jackson pretty much fussed and cried the whole time were were in there. He drank some water and kept it down fine. Finally, we asked the nurse if we could just take him home. There was no way he was going to calm down in there. And sure enough, we barely got out of the parking lot before he quit crying and was fast asleep. We pulled out of the parking lot at 10:15 and went home.
Jackson has been pretty good since we got home. He slept on me most of the day on Monday and was just very clingy yesterday. He's been running a low grade fever, so I've been watching him closely to make sure it doesn't spike due to infection. Jackson also wanted to nurse pretty much all day on Monday, which was hard, but it made him feel better.
I had no idea the volumes of pee Jackson would have over the next 24 hours. He exploded a Pampers Baby Dry during one of our naps. We woke up soaked after about an hour!
He got two black eyes from the adenoid removal, but they are fading today. He's rubbing his face and tugging on his ears still, so I know he feels something. Mortrin has done wonders though!
And...Jackson has been sleeping through the night, hallelujah!!!