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Gold Star: Momma Moment

>> Thursday, March 15, 2012

I'm just going to put it out there that I totally feel like I deserve a momma gold star today, if such a thing even exists. It probably doesn't, but I'm still patting myself on the back because I feel like I accomplished a lot before 8:30 momma moment this morning!

Those of you who know me well can appreciate the fact that I feel like I've climbed a mountain or something today.

I like love to sleep.  And I used to be really good at it.  However, which each passing year I get worse and worse at falling asleep - and staying sleeping.  Just about the time that Mr.'s obnoxiously early alarm goes off is the time that I'm finally drifting away in slumber land.  It sucks, but Mr. is a rock star daddy and always takes one for the team to let me get in as much sleep as I possibly can.

With that being said, Mr. generally takes the "morning shift" that includes getting Jackson ready, making coffee and our breakfast shakes, and dropping Jackson off at school.  I normally take the "evening shift" which is our bedtime routine - bath, breathing treatment and medicines, etc.  It works well for us.

Anyway, Mr. had to run to Houston for a meeting today so I was on my own last night and this morning.  Most of you are probably laughing hysterically at me, but I was nervous about getting both of us dressed and to school and work - on time. 

I was supposed to spend the night with my parents because I'm technically not supposed to be lifting Jackson or getting him in and out of his car seat while I'm hyper-stimulating my ovaries. But, at the last minute I decided that spending the night out was more work then it was really worth.  To be honest I feel fine, which is 100x better then I did the last time around (more on that later).  My parents came to give Jackson his bath last night and Jackson got himself in and out of the car this morning.  No lifting or twisting was done with a 35lbs. toddler to risk my ovaries any harm.

So, in a nutshell, I was able to get a full nights sleep, wake up when my alarm went off, snuggle with Jackson for a minute when he woke up, get both of us dressed and ready for our day, get Jackson to school before 8:10 (the breakfast cut-off time), run through Starbucks for my venti black coffee to fuel my day (I'm good, but not that good), and make it to work at exactly 8:30 just in time for my first meeting of the day! 

Morning concurred, mountain climbed, mission accomplished - GOLD STAR!


Ashley March 15, 2012 at 12:10 PM  

haha this was me last week with luke out of town, it IS hard doing it by yourself! Go us!

rodefamily March 15, 2012 at 12:15 PM  

Way to go Momma!! Consider your gold star earned!

Olivia March 15, 2012 at 7:53 PM  

It must have been in the air this morning because I looked up and I had gotten ready and both kids dressed and ready (and even in a leisurely way) all in less than 45 minutes.

Megan March 15, 2012 at 9:11 PM  

Daddy D's work trips always make us appreciate him so much! :) I bet your Mr. got extra LOVE from you and Jackson when he got back!

And yes, you deserve a gold star---and God bless single mommas!

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