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One shot down...

>> Sunday, March 11, 2012

There's no turning back now!

Friday night I took all 10 of my Femara pills and tonight was my first Follistim shot.

So far, so good.

I had an excruciating headache that lasted pretty much all day Saturday, but a little happy hour and sushi with my family seemed to fix things.  And if that didn't, then seeing my mom and Jackson chase down a firetruck so Jackson could check it out sure did! The things my mom will do for this kid:)

I stepped on the scale this morning and have lost 4.5 of the 6lbs. I gained from taking progesterone. I know its all worth it, but I am thankful I'm not starting these meds with the extra pounds hanging on.  I say that after just devouring an entire Ben & Jerry's all by myself - my reward for sticking myself with a little needle:)

The time change is kicking all of our butts.  I hate the first few days of the change, but surely love the extra daylight in the evening. 

Jackson has been waking up earlier than normal lately and today we could not get him to take a nap, despite our best efforts.  And no sooner then we got in the car to run our errands, he started to nod off in his car seat.  I managed to keep him awake, but he passed out as soon as we got to Target.  It was actually pitiful, he was so darn tired! He has never fallen asleep in a shopping cart before!

Anyway, here's to another week and praying my follicles grow just right.  Per my doctors orders, I'm drinking water like its my second job and I'm taking it as easy as possible!



Jennifer March 14, 2012 at 7:37 AM  

I love that Jackson was so tired that he fell asleep in the! I guess he was tired :-) I am so glad to hear that you are on track with baby making. I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out!!

Amy March 14, 2012 at 8:34 AM  

oh that is too precious!

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